To take safety precautions against COVID-19, I have suspended all in-person therapy sessions. Click here to learn about how I have adjusted my practice.

Trauma Informed Therapy
It is important to know that "trauma-informed therapy" is not merely a re-hashing of painful traumas of the past. If it is, I don't know why anyone would want to do it. But it is essential to know how you survived Trauma. When people experience trauma, their system organizes around protecting what is subject to harm. In the process of surviving, people can become alienated from aspects of themselves that feel vulnerable, but these are often same parts that make us feel creative, carefree, and alive. Protecting what is vulnerable is natural and important in surviving trauma, but so is the ability to be the full expression of one's self in the world. Trauma-informed modalities such as EMDR and Sensorimotor Psychotherapy help with the pacing of therapy and enable self-observation to help clients notice, understand, and regard how their systems organized to SURVIVE trauma. When one develops compassion for the parts that have suffered and an appreciation for how they have persisted, they are developing a loving and trusting relationship within, which will allow for sustained healing and the capacity to connect to the world with the fullest expression of one's self.
Phases of life
Life is full of transitions. Comings and goings of all sorts, like leaving home for the first time, beginning a career, the arrival of a new child, navigating relationships, illness, and of course, the ultimate transition, of saying goodbye to people we've lost, is what makes us human. Self-reflection and connection can guide us through these meaningful transitions. My job as a therapist is to listen to you in a manner that helps you ultimately listen to and know yourself more fully as you encounter both the mundane and extraordinary markers in your life. Any avenue of self-exploration requires an openness and vulnerability that can feel unfamiliar and even daunting; but it also holds the reward of feeling more grounded, gratified, and available to yourself, to loved-ones, and your communities.

Becoming a therapist is a rich, but sometimes overwhelming experience. Consultation and supervision is an important part of both personal and professional development. My work with consultees is grounded in trauma-informed techniques, but also delves into personal and practical aspects of becoming a psychotherapist and sustaining a gratifying career.
Psychotherapy in this moment
I think we can all agree that times are difficult right now, between a global pandemic, the systemic and personal violence against individuals who are Black and Indigenous People of Color, economic hardships, and political instability. While we all have our own struggles to endure, there is a collective feeling of loss, discomfort, and outright pain. COVID-19 has drastically changed the way we conduct both our work lives and personal lives. Perhaps your relationship with family has changed. Perhaps your relationship to social media and technology has changed. Or perhaps you are figuring out how to be alone more of the time.
It may be especially important in this moment to put time and energy into your own well-being as well as the well-being of your community. Ask yourself: what practices can I incorporate into my life that will provide me stability, comfort, and a deeper connection to myself and others? Psychotherapy may be a powerful tool in this endeavor.
In lieu of in-person appointments, I am conducting my practice virtually. If you are interested in learning more about online therapy, please reach out. With vaccines on the horizon, I hope to offer in person sessions soon.